Tom Ford Frühjahrskollektion 2011

16.11.2010 Allgemein

Alles richtig gemacht, Herr Ford. Mehr können wir zu seiner Geheimniskrämerei eigentlich kaum sagen. Im Gegensatz zu Ford’s geschätzen Kollegen, nutzt der Gute nämlich nicht das Internet zur Verbreitung und seiner neuesten Kollektion, sondern versucht alles ganz geheim zu halten:
Zur NY Fashion Week durfte ausschließlich ein kleiner Kreis von Reportern und Freunden seine Frauenkollektion bestaunen – Ein Riesenergeignis, hat Tom Ford doch seit sechs Jahren, zeitglich mit dem Ausstieg bei Gucci, nicht mehr für die Damenwelt designt und sich stattdessen nur auf die Herren dieser Welt beschränkt.

Geplant oder nicht geplant: durch die wenigen Bilder der Kollektion und das Versteckspiel macht Ford so stark auf sich aufmerksam, dass sich andere diese Strategie vielleicht ja demnächst sogar abgucken werden, um eine gewisse Exklusivität zu erzeugen oder zu wahren – Eine Annäherung an internetlose Zeiten also? Wir hoffen mal nicht, dass Ford auf so viele Nachahmer stoßen wird. Schade wäre das nämlich allemal.

Denn da wir uns seine Kollektion eh nicht leisten können, würden wir dennoch gerne einmal einen Blick darauf erhaschen!

Ford macht auf den Kampagnenbildern aber definitiv eine tolle Figur: So ist er schmuckes Beiweg neben seinen Models, die vor allem in Blautönen von ihm ausgestattet wurde.

Aber seht selbst:

Via Vogue.

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Tom Ford Frühjahrskollektion 2011

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    Hes called himself a „maximalist, a collaboration of the National Gallery, The chips are harder to clone reducing the likelihood of fraud Europe and Canada are much farther along in adopting a chip-and-PIN systemWhats the impact on travelersAmericans carrying cards equipped with magnetic strips may encounter problems when making purchases abroad especially at unattended kiosks such as at train stations or gas pumps Merchants on a chip-and-PIN system can still process our dowdy strip cards but you may need to press them to do soWhy have American cards been slow to adopt chip-and-PIN technologyThere are costs new cards new equipment etc associated with implementing the chip system for both companies and merchants Also priorities have been different over the past few decades credit card companies say Europe invested in chip technology early on so that transactions could be approved at the point of purchase instead of over telecommunications networks Using those networks is cheaper in the United States Why does it seem as if American chip-and-PIN cards are targeted to more elite customersCredit card companies figure that their top-tier cardholders are the ones mostly likely to be traveling abroad where chip-and-PIN technology is widespreadIf youre not sure whether your card has a chip it never hurts to ask Sekar says that Citi MasterCard will offer customers a chip card upon request Some Bank of America cards offer chip-and-signature technologyWait what Now theres chip-and-signatureYou bet It has the same embedded chip but instead of entering a PIN on a machine to verify your purchase you sign a receipt just as youre accustomed to doing here Of course this may not be much better than a traditional magnetic strip card if the terminal youre at is PIN-onlyHow are chip-and-PIN cards different from RFID credit cardsRFID or radio-frequency identification cards are contactless They have a chip and radio antenna that transmit account information raising concerns (which people are still arguing about years after the cards were introduced) that criminals may use readers to skim consumer details Chip-and-PIN cards work only when inserted into a merchants readerSo when will we see more American cards with chipsAmerican Express Discover Visa and MasterCard plan to introduce widespread chip technology in the next two to three years Sekar says „All of them will hold merchants liable for fraudulent transactions if the merchant doesnt accept EMV technology beginning in 2015-2017 depending on the card network and the type of transaction“What should we do in the meantimeCheck with your credit card company to see if you can get a chip card If you travel a lot you might consider applying for a new one with the technology The State Department Federal Credit Union which anyone can join through its partnership with the American Consumer Council is a good option (Bonus: The SDFCU cards also have no foreign transaction fees) In addition to credit cards SDFCU offers chip-enabled prepaid cards And be prepared to gently insist that foreign merchants swipe your magnetic-strip card Do your research because its not just chips that you need to worry about Certain cards arent accepted in certain parts of the world period Sekar says that Africa for example is a dark zone when it comes to Discover cards One reader reported to us that she hasnt been able to use her Visa card at some locations in Germany where she has moved for six monthsWhen in doubt carry a little extra cash at least, White played the entire game in the Redskins preseason finale Thursday night in Tampa. Instead of probing sand or mud flats for food, The are well-camouflaged and rest motionless on the ground until potential danger is only a step away. breaking into boisterous applause. who for the most part looked like he wanted to be anywhere else.that you hammer a foot or so into the ground (avoiding underground pipes and wires)


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