I just wanted you to know that in my opinion all you crazy parents out there are total heroes from outter space – sometimes I just don’t know how we survived and survive and will survive the adventure of raising a child with every piece of our heart while also trying to keep up with our own needs at the very same time. Pls don’t forget that you are you and you are enough. Eventhough society at times wants to make u feel like a #badmom. If that means loving life, not always being perfect but chaos and sometimes a bit loco – here I am, a super bad mom avec plaisir ️Unpaid Advertisement


I just wanted you to know that in my opinion all you crazy parents out there are total heroes from outter space - sometimes I just don't know how we survived and survive and will survive the adventure of raising a child with every piece of our heart while also trying to keep up with our own needs at the very same time. Pls don't forget that you are you and you are enough. Eventhough society at times wants to make u feel like a #badmom. If that means loving life, not always being perfect but chaos and sometimes a bit loco - here I am, a super bad mom avec plaisir ️Unpaid Advertisement

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