Musik: Angel Haze – „Element“

03.05.2013 Allgemein, Musik

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Man kann sich natürlich darüber streiten, ob der mittelgroße Cat Fight zwischen den beiden Rapperinnen Angel Haze und Azealia Banks nun eher lächerlich oder ganz amüsant ist. Jedenfalls konnte man das hasserfüllte Feuer zwischen den beiden Konkurrentinnen zuweilen in Echtzeit via Twitter auflodern sehen. Wer technisch gesehen die besseren Skills hat, diese Beurteilung überlasse ich zwar anderen, trotzdem bleibt Angel wohl auf ewig mein heimlicher Favorit. Spätestens seit „Werkin Girls“ in einer Nacht voll Deadlines und leerer Seiten zu meinem persönlichen Power-Track avancierte und mich vor der Kapitulation bewahrte.

Mit ihrer neuesten Veröffentlichung „Element“ verabschiedet sich die 1991 in Detroit geborene Ex-Neurologie-Studentin kurzzeitig vom Posertum und verarbeitet ziemlich offensichtlich eine ganze Menge Dreck, den sie als Teenager erleben musste. Ganz groß.
1991 a star was born
My soul was torn in the exact moment that they umbilical cord was gone
And honestly I still think I’d rather stay dead
Cause I’m still a monster that’s rage fed in Haze head
But I was born into a ton of curses
Same blood, same genes, just a different purpose
And a different person like all around
My life was fucked up and I let it tear me down
And I always dressed in skirts-es
And I always slept in churches
Didn’t believe in shit so I always felt so worthless
Molested at age 7 nobody ever noticed
So I locked myself inside myself and had to keep on growing
Of course you’d never know it
That type of pain is the [?]
In fact it’s been 13 years, I still feel a strain on my shoulders

[Verse 2]
It’s 2001 and I’m hoping to die
I’m writing suicide letters I mailed to the sky
My biggest question is why
That fucking question remains,
But since I sound my purpose I have never felt pressure the same
All of the pressure was drained
And God was here I know it
I didn’t choose where I started, but I did choose where I’m going

[Hook 2x]
Every day is hard work: struggle, pain, and dedication
I know it gets hard to end the pain for preservation
If you make it through then every day is a celebration
If you know where you’re going everyday’s a reservation

[Verse 3]
It’s 2007 I’m still looking to heaven,
But I’m thinking murder now and I’m using hate as my weapon
I’m using pain as my leverage,
I want them to suffer too
Almost lost my whole mind look at what that struggle do
Insanity’s blissful in silence
Almost met mental asylums
Outside I’m a quiet storm, but inside a fist full of violence
Dear Ty, I’m sorry that you’re gone
I wish you could come back to life so I could kill you on my own
Fuck it all motherfuckers I’ve made it on my own
And I’ve never had shit, man I made it here alone
With my brother as my crutch and my mother as my soul
And I didn’t choose where I started, but I chose where I’mma go

Text via.

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