When Saints Go Machine

When Saints Go Machine is a Danish band with an unique and international sound – that much I have learned in the past couple of weeks. In an attempt to keep up with everything one is inevitably doomed to miss out on great things, and admittedly I haven’t listened much to WSGM before. So I was quite curious to hear what they had to offer at the one-off concert CPH:DOX had arranged in collaboration with The Royal Danish Playhouse, Saturday 10th of Nov. Re-using the impressive three-level scenography created by Christian Friedländer for an ongoing play based on The Possessed (or Demons) by Fyodor Dostoyevsky – made for a visually breathtaking backdrop. And as for a band consisting of four rather scawny looking boys, they had absolutely no problem lifting the wait of a big room full of expectations. Their insisting energy led by lead singer Nikolaj Manuel Vonsild’s mesmerizing voice (somewhat similar to Antony Hegarty’s from Antony and the Johnsons), butterfly-effected from the stage, making people bend over backwards in their seats. They are truly a good live band, so if ever you get the chance – do youself a favor and go see them. Enough said, let the music speak for itself:


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When Saints Go Machine „Mannequin“ Official Video from When Saints Go Machine

Here a small snippet from the concert I recorded with my phone:




The cover from their latest album release: Infinity Pool

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