#1 · Dear Santa…

– all I want for Christmas is a pair of ‚South Highland Boots‘ from Cobra Rock Boot Company! For the next couple of weeks I will compile a little wish-list from near and far. At the top are these magnificently well-crafted boots, that are made from thick cognac colored leather and can be worn throughout a lifetime. Looking at my own miserable, worn out desert shoes, it’s time for a replacement and I can think of nothing better than a pair of these handmade beauties.

Since no one knows where Santa lives, it might as well be Marfa, Texas – my plan is to a visit Cobra Rock Boot Company once I get over there. Checkt out this little video about them:


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– and their webpage: www.cobrarock.com


Boots These old fellas has walked me many places, and can nearly tell stories about it themselves… arrow+arrow





 (Photos courtesy of Cobra Rock Boot Company)

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