*Advertising / As you might already know I’m currently giving @naturalcycles a try – particulary to keep in touch with what is happening inside of me, because I don’t want to eat any more hormones and the spiral doesn’t fit to my heart-shaped uterus As I think it is important to speak and inform about potential alternatives, here we go: It’s a 100% natural method to either plan or prevent pregnancy but it also helps to get to know your cycle and female body better NC is at 93% effective at typical(!) use, the IUD for instance is 99% and for the pill 91%. So if you’re under 18 or need to be 100% sure, always use condoms The Natural Cycle app works in combination with a basal thermometer: You measure your temperature first thing in the morning, before getting up, snoozing your alarm or having a quick coffee – the more often the better, because temperature is an indirect measure of the hormone levels in our bodies On green days no protection is needed. On red days you should use condoms or obtain from sex if you don’t want kids right now. Keep in mind: The method doesn’t protect from sexual transmittable infections and of course it isn’t something for everyone. #YourCycleMatters #NaturalCycles