Anzeige // instagram_post – 31.03.2019 – @juliacarevic Artikel-Navigation ← Anzeige (unbezahlt) / @kingsofindigo created a collection of denims to make a statement for equal pay: „‘Deep pockets’ are a well-known metaphor for wealth.“ But these deep pockets can only be found on a men’s pair of jeans, with women pockets being on average 48 % smaller, as if they were tailored for their significantly smaller wages. That’s why KOI will launch their #equalpocket collection of three fits mid-May. All profits made will be used to promote trainings on fair living wages for workers in garment factories Ready to Pre-Order (Link in Stories) #fairfashion #kingsofindigo →Always and forever @nikita_gill #wildembers #nikitagill