Die kannst du jetzt mal schön selbst auslöffeln. Suppe von @karma_meals auf dem Blog #suppe instagram_post – 20.11.2018 – @thisisjanewayne Artikel-Navigation ← Anzeige/Advertising “A lot of times we are angry at other people for not doing what we should have done for ourselves – responsibility.” • • What you see is kind of a new version of myself. I had to turn 31 to learn (again) that I have to make myself happy instead of pleasing others to be happy. It’s about me – right now. That’s a fact. And if I am happy, I can make others even more happy. #madeforme @johnfriedade • „I do not want to have you to fill the empty parts of me I want to be full on my own I want to be so complete I could light a whole city and then I want to have you cause the two of us combined could set it on fire“ – @rupikaur_ →Im warmen Whirpool ein paar Bahnen ziehen, das wär’s jetzt. #JonathanBlair, Saint Petersburg, Florida 1973