Habe mich für euch mal wieder aus meiner Jogginghose geschält. Gleich vier Mal in vier Wochen, um es genau zu sagen. 2021, ich bin dran instagram_post – 13.01.2021 – @sarah_jane Artikel-Navigation ← Slowly coming back from my social media break →„I think it’s unbelievable that there’s a phrase such as ‘guilty pleasure.’ Unless your pleasure is killing people. My pleasures are absolutely benign, by which I mean, no one dies. No one is molested. No, I don’t feel guilty for having pleasure. We live in a world where people don’t feel guilty for killing people. People don’t feel guilty for putting babies in cages at the border. I should feel guilty, for what? For having two bowls of spaghetti? (…) Your bad habits can kill you. But your good habits won’t save you.“ I just binge watched the whole #pretenditsacity documentary about #FranLebowitz and can’t believe how accurate that icon comments on life 🌪️