I am turning 33 this month and if you would have asked me maybe 15 years ago how I imagine my thirties to be like I would have intentionally lied and said „wild“ with hope in my eyes, because what I actually expected was nothing but a bore out. Well. Entering my thirties has been the most intensive and exciting period ever and it still is, on every level, so I guess „wild“ was right. There is simply more of EVERYTHING. More feelings. More responsibility and more freedom, more hellos and more goodbyes, more confidence and more doubts, more courage and more fears, more changes and more constants, more anger and more empathy, more questions and more answers, more hopes and love and learnings. It’s tough and it is amazing. 🦕 Thank you @uggineurope for accompanying me — and for those vegan and plant based fluff sandals. Advertising for #FeeldGood