I got myself a magic #mushroomlamp to look at, so I donât have to eat some. #muranolamp instagram_post â 13.05.2020 â @nikejane Mehr voninstagram_post Artikel-Navigation â Look mom, my very first flip phone! Mit 13 trĂ€umte ich von einem pinkfarbenen Klapphandy, auf das man funkelnde Strasssteine kleben kann (Spoiler: Ich bekam nie eins), heute halte ich endlich ein ganz eigenes Exemplar in den HĂ€nden, das zwar nicht pink, dafĂŒr aber lila verspiegelt und somit vielleicht sogar noch ein bisschen schöner ist. Ganz nebenbei dient das Galaxy Z Flip von Samsung nicht bloĂ als klassisches Smartphone, sondern, dank stufenloser Faltbarkeit, auch als eigenstĂ€ndiges Stativ. Mein eigentliches Highlight: Trotz der GesamtlĂ€nge im ausgeklappten Zustand von etwa einer mittelgroĂen Banane passt es zusammengefaltet tatsĂ€chlich in meine klitzekleinen Mini Bags, die ich nun endlich wieder vom Staub befreien kann. #Anzeige #GalaxyZFlip #withgalaxy #samsung âSometimes, life is weird and then I feel really upset but all of the sudden really happy again and itâs a strange up and down all the time. I used to go to therapy for different reasons and I got different diagnoses for different things but then I had to stop because my health insurence said so. We all know that I never really got healthy and how could I? Often, mental illnesses stay for a long time and sometimes the long time becomes a forever. Yesterday, I went to see a therapist again which was scary and exhausting but also really relieving at the same time. I cried a lot and I talked about a lot of weird stuff in a short time which was a bit awkward but also okay. I mean, thatâs the thing with therapy: it is awkward and weird but itâs also helpful and important and, most of all, nothing to be ashamed of. So please, donât be afraid to ask for help no matter how scary it may sound. Also: donât be afraid of judgemental people who think you are weak or a weirdo because of it, they shouldnât be in your life anyways.