#MondayMood — You can’t please everyone instagram_post – 07.12.2020 – @nikejane Mehr voninstagram_post Artikel-Navigation ← Le weekend (unpaid ad) →[Ad] For the first time since 32 years I won’t drive home for Chistmas while playing all the hits, I won’t argue with my sisters about an adequate dessert and I won’t spend the evenings with campfires and my funny former classmates. This one will be different. But I refuse to grumble around. Instead I’ll have a blast at my own home, with my own tree and my own little family. I’ll be lazy and eased and happy and all dressed up. Of course I’ll miss everything else – but I’ll most importantly know exactly why this is the least I can do during these last days of 2020. Will do it with hope in my heart and heads held high, cause all I want for Christmas is 2021 @ottodame #ottodamelovers #ottodameFW20 #ottodame #ottodameHoliday