My Bonbon Collection instagram_post – 11.11.2020 – @sarah_jane Artikel-Navigation ← Cheers to the quarantine! Home schooling hints and other secrets to stay sane more than welcome 🙃🙃🙃 →Anzeige I LET’S UNF*CK THE INTERNET TOGETHER. Because I do give a fuck when people post or get fake news on social platforms, that take zero responsibility. I give a fuck about hate speech and all the people that have been insulted and attacked. I give a fuck about the vast amounts of data that is collected and sold. I do care that I can be tracked online. And I’m tired of ads that somehow know much too much about me. It’s just NOT ok and we should all stay alert and not accept it as „it’s just the way the web is.” #UnfckTheInternet, use alternatives like #Firefox & get more information over at @unfcktheinternet