Noch immer Ablenkung instagram_post â 05.11.2020 â @nikejane Mehr voninstagram_post Artikel-Navigation â Anzeige It sounds super cheesy but autumn is indeed my forever favorite season of the year. I love those cozy days at home, burning candles, even shorter and rainy days, the freedom to rest, reset and rethink â and the colors, obvs. And thatâs why I picked some chocolate with cream inspired @ottodame pieces the other day, went for a walk, took a break and found not only sun but pure happiness. OttodâAme if you have no clue what I was talking about (Otto = ital. eight, Ame = fr. soul.) is a fashion brand from Tuscany which was founded in 2011 by Silvia Mazzoli to bring joy, italian flavor, french nonchalance, sustainable approach and local resources together. #ottodame #ottodameFW20 âKann wieder scharf sehen! @miumiu /unpaid ad