One week ago instagram_post – 12.08.2020 – @sarah_jane Mehr voninstagram_post Artikel-Navigation ← „Kaum jemand schleppt keine Päckchen mit sich herum, manche verlieren sich erst und finden sich schließlich wieder, andere suchen weiter nach einem Platz in dieser Welt – vielleicht wachsen sie an alldem, wenn wir sie nur lassen. Und vielleicht wachsen auch wir, wenn wir uns dasselbe Recht zugestehen.“ (@nikejane) Wir sind zurück – oder auch: Wie @sarah_jane lern(t)e, sich abzugrenzen. Auf dem Blog / RG @quotesbychristie →„The peculiar fact that beauty requirements have escalated as women’s subjugation has decreased. It’s as if our culture has mustered an immune-system response to continue breaking the fever of gender equality—as if some deep patriarchal logic has made it that women need to achieve ever-higher levels of beauty to make up for the fact that we are no longer economically and legally dependent on men.“ #JiaTolentino – #TrickMorror probably is the best book I read in 2020 so far. Reading it for the 2nd time now, because every single sentence is so smart you want to keep it in mind forever and every single page brutally works as a mirror that finally unveils piece by piece what role you are playing yourself in all of this and how you participate in the system of self-delusion. Reading this is breaking, but heeling. It makes you feel ashamed but not alone. It’s like a friend explaining the big picture. And it gives you the incredible power of finally understanding what already began sprouting inside your brain.