Proudly presenting the freshly baked mum of a school child not having washed or brushed her hair for days instagram_post – 19.08.2020 – @nikejane Mehr voninstagram_post Artikel-Navigation ← I used to laugh about all these clever advices but here I am sharing one of the @quotesbychristie again because this is exactly one of the hundred things I’m currently learning to be really good at. I never wanted to be(come) a people-pleaser but somehow sometimes I feel eaten up by the expectations of others no matter how hard I don’t want to give a single fuck which obviously is much easier said than done. I’m doing it anyways, trying to find my own voice again and being radical vulnerable, unfinished and me. Cheers to everyone who’s sick of the walk on eggshells #thecouragetobedisliked →