YES WE STILL HAVE TO PROTEST THIS FUCKING SHIT. Tomorrow (28.9.) is SAVE ABORTION DAY. Because #MyBodyMyHealth (listen & repeat: Abortion is not a dirty word, it’s HEALTH CARE). The right to choose is an essential part of women’s sexual lives and reproductive rights, it is essential to our bodily autonomy. Women everywhere need to have access to safe & legal abortion and they need INFORMATION, too @jensspahn ( #TRUSTWOMEN !) #wegmit219a – here’s a little reminder: „25% of all pregnancies worldwide ended in an induced abortion, 4.7-13.2% of maternal deaths are attributable to unsafe abortion, most in the poorest countries, 25 million abortions each year are unsafe, and 7 million women and girls end up in hospital needing treatment for complications of unsafe abortions.“ – WHO data, 2018). BERLIN, HAMBURG, ETC – go and visit @prochoice_de and @stimmrechtgegenunrecht to see which actions are taking place near you. There is sth happening quite everywhere, worldwide. #ProChoice #mybodymychoice #wasfürnspahn



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